Taxi for women


Although you may not have met many, there are more and more female taxi drivers! We’re still a minority, but this is also a force, and we intend to be here for you and with you.


DinY LadY is a space dedicated to us women.

You also have the right to relax, to spend pleasant moments without worrying about your mobility or transport options. DinY takes care of everything in complete safety and discretion.

Following the various experiences lived and reported by female customers, it turns out you hesitate, even cancel your outings for fear of crossing the path of a malicious or ill-intentioned person.
No more wavering: let’s go out, DinY will pamper you!


DinY LadY listens.

What kind of service would you dream to have? What would be the best schedule, day, location, recurrence, for you? Please contact me and we’ll elaborate together the best service delivery, the one that will suit YOU.

Examples of past events: Party, Birthday, Bachelorette party, Wedding, Shopping day


Can’t wait to meet you, Lady!